Below you will find the editors responsible for the content of this book—including it’s special digital features—made possible because this book was created for the internet and exists here alone.
The possibilities are endless with the use of online media like linking to contributors’ social media accounts, embedding video and other media right in the book chapters, regular updates of content, and more. If you have any great ideas, please contact us!

Angela M. Arlen, MD
Dr. Angela Arlen completed her residency in urology at the University of Iowa and her pediatric urology fellowship at Emory University / Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta in 2014, and joined the Department of Urology as an Assistant Professor in 2017.
Dr. Arlen’s research interests include hypospadias and vesicoureteral reflux clinical outcomes.
Assistant Professor
Yale University School of Medicine
Yale-New Haven Hospital
New Haven, CT, USA

Mohan S. Gundeti, MD
Dr. Mohan S. Gundeti is an internationally recognized leader in the field of pediatric robotic and laparoscopic surgery for treatment of congenital urological anomalies at University of Chicago. Dr. Gundeti is frequently recognized for his excellence in surgical teaching and instruction to medical students, residents, fellows and surgical colleagues. He frequently serves as a guest speaker and faculty member for symposia and live surgery workshops for more than 25 countries.
Dr. Gundeti’s research focuses on patient outcomes and innovative techniques in minimally invasive surgery.
Chief, Pediatric Urology
University of Chicago Medical Center
Comer Children’s Hospital
Chicago, IL, USA

Pedro-José López, MD
Dr. P.J. López has specific interest in complex reconstructive urological pathology and minimal invasive surgery.
He is had an interest in transitional urology. One of his career aims is to be at forefront of this development in establishing the scientific basis and translating this into first class clinical service. He in on the editorial board of 5 journals, has published over 45 chapters, has edited 2 books, created 2 academic websites, and has published over 120 papers and book chapters. He is also a recognized international speaker.
Head of Department
Hospital Exequiel González Cortés & Clinica Alemana
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Kyle O. Rove, MD
Dr. Kyle Rove is an Associate Professor at Children’s Hospital Colorado, where he enjoys the rigors of surgery, research and teaching. His distant computer–web design–programmer background has heavily influenced the design of this book. He completed his residency in urology at at University of Colorado and his fellowship in pediatric urology at Washington University in St. Louis / St. Louis Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Rove’s research interests are primary focused on Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) in infants, children and young adults undergoing urologic surgery. His group is working to apply these principles to a broader set of pediatric urology operations and other pediatric surgical specialties.
Associate Professor
Medical Director of Surgical Informatics
Medical Director of Surgical Quality and Safety
ACS NSQIP-P Surgeon Champion
Children's Hospital Colorado
University of Colorado, School of Medicine
Aurora, CO, USA
Liaison Editors
We cannot do this alone. Our liaison editor has helped us organize meetings, format content, coordinate social media campaigns, and has kept us on track to push out a new version of this book in record time!

Amrita Mohanty, BA
Liaison Editor
Amrita is a fourth year medical student at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, and graciously guided the PUB project. She has worked on various research projects and published with Dr. Mohan Gundeti.
She is applying to residency during the 2022-3 interview season.
Medical Student
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
Chicago, IL, USA
Emeritus Editors
We stand on the shoulders of giants.
The idea for this online book originated with the three editors pictured below. While all extremely-well published, they recognized that most authors’ academic work is not directly compensated. And yet, there are entire industries whose sole product is this work—chapters, reviews, research studies, commentary, peer review, etc. The internet, however, offered a chance to invert this system and allow pediatric urologists to publish their expertise in an open manner free for all to read. Dr. Duncan Wilcox noted once, “[Pediatric Urology Book] is the academic work I’m most proud of.”
In 2020, the three emeritus editors graciously offered to pass the torch, hoping to allow for new content and ideas to flourish.