Below you will find the editors responsible for the content of this book—including it’s special digital features—made possible because this book was created for the internet and exists here alone.
The possibilities are endless with the use of online media like linking to contributors’ social media accounts, embedding video and other media right in the book chapters, regular updates of content, and more. If you have any great ideas, please contact us!

Angela M. Arlen, MD
Angela Arlen 医生在 爱荷华大学 完成了泌尿外科住院医师培训,并在 埃默里大学 完成了儿科泌尿外科研究金/ 亚特兰大儿童保健,2014 年加入泌尿外科,担任助理教授。
Arlen 博士的研究兴趣包括尿道下裂和膀胱输尿管反流的临床结果。
Assistant Professor
Yale University School of Medicine
Yale-New Haven Hospital
New Haven, CT, USA

Mohan S. Gundeti, MD
Mohan S. Gundeti 博士是治疗先天性泌尿系统异常的小儿机器人和腹腔镜手术领域国际公认的领导者。 Gundeti 医生经常因其在医学生、住院医师、研究员和外科同事的外科教学和指导方面的卓越表现而受到认可。 他经常担任超过 25 个国家的座谈会和现场手术研讨会的特邀演讲者和教员。
Gundeti 博士的研究重点是微创手术中的患者疗效和创新技术。
Chief, Pediatric Urology
University of Chicago Medical Center
Comer Children’s Hospital
Chicago, IL, USA

Pedro-José López, MD
P.J. López 博士对复杂的重建泌尿外科病理学和微创手术特别感兴趣。
他对过渡性泌尿外科很感兴趣。 他的职业目标之一是站在这一发展的最前沿,建立科学基础并将其转化为一流的临床服务。 他担任 5 种期刊的编委,发表了超过 45 章,编辑了 2 本书,创建了 2 个学术网站,并发表了 120 多篇论文和书籍章节。 他也是公认的国际演说家。
Head of Department
Hospital Exequiel González Cortés & Clinica Alemana
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Kyle O. Rove, MD
Kyle Rove 博士是科罗拉多州儿童医院 的助理教授,在那里他享受手术、研究和教学的严谨性。 他遥远的计算机-网页设计-程序员背景对本书的设计产生了重大影响。 他在 科罗拉多大学 完成了泌尿外科住院医师培训,并在 圣路易斯华盛顿大学 / St. 圣路易斯儿童医院。
Rove 博士的研究兴趣主要集中在接受泌尿外科手术的婴儿、儿童和年轻人的术后加速康复 (ERAS) 方面。 HIs 小组正在努力将这些原则应用于更广泛的儿科泌尿外科手术和其他儿科外科专业。
Associate Professor
Medical Director of Surgical Informatics
Medical Director of Surgical Quality and Safety
ACS NSQIP-P Surgeon Champion
Children's Hospital Colorado
University of Colorado, School of Medicine
Aurora, CO, USA
Liaison Editors
We cannot do this alone. Our liaison editor has helped us organize meetings, format content, coordinate social media campaigns, and has kept us on track to push out a new version of this book in record time!

Amrita Mohanty, BA
Amrita 是芝加哥大学普利兹克医学院的四年级医学生,她慷慨地指导了 PUB 项目。 她参与了各种研究项目,并与 Mohan Gundeti 博士一起发表了论文。
她将在 2022-3 面试季申请住院医师资格。
Medical Student
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
Chicago, IL, USA
Emeritus Editors
We stand on the shoulders of giants.
The idea for this online book originated with the three editors pictured below. While all extremely-well published, they recognized that most authors’ academic work is not directly compensated. And yet, there are entire industries whose sole product is this work—chapters, reviews, research studies, commentary, peer review, etc. The internet, however, offered a chance to invert this system and allow pediatric urologists to publish their expertise in an open manner free for all to read. Dr. Duncan Wilcox noted once, “[Pediatric Urology Book] is the academic work I’m most proud of.”
In 2020, the three emeritus editors graciously offered to pass the torch, hoping to allow for new content and ideas to flourish.