
Geographic Representation

Geographic representation of Pediatric Urology Book contributors

We feel incredibly lucky to have worked with over 140 contributors from around the world, sharing their expertise through their contributions to the book. Some numbers to share with our readers:

  • 144 contributors
  • Authors are from 23 different countries, spanning 6 continents
  • 67 chapters (1 coming soon)
  • 392 figures
  • 84 tables
  • 2,988 references (!)

Contributors By Section

1 Basics of Pediatric Urology

2 Kidney

3 Bladder and Ureter

4 Urethra

5 Male External Genitalia

6 Female External Genitalia

7 Differences of Sexual Development

8 Oncology

9 Stones, Trauma, and Emergencies

10 Adolescent and Transitional Urology

11 Beyond The Frontier in Pediatric Urology